
26th May 2021

What is an OCG & what is participating in organised crime

Organised crime groups can be a far-reaching network of people. They can be responsible for everything from drug trafficking and people smuggling. Participating in an organised crime group is a serious offence. It's important for you to know the laws around organised crime if you are accused of being a member of one. In this article solicitor Damian Wall explains the laws in relation to participating in organised crime groups and what a participating offence is.

12th May 2021

Legal eyesight standards for driving. Understanding section 96 of the Road Traffic Act 1988

Good vision is essential if you want to be a competent driver. Poor vision accounted for 196 accidents in 2018. Many of these collisions would have led to prosecutions, fines, and in some cases, complete bans from driving.   Burton Copeland and Driving Offence lawyer, Gwyn Lewis has recently written an article explaining the laws around vision and driving over on the Driving Offence blog. You can find a summary of the article here.

27th April 2021

Assault on Emergency Workers: An Explanation

There have been many reports in the media in recent years in relation to changes in the law and people appearing in court for offences of assaulting emergency workers. In this article solicitor Sam Corcoran explains the law in relation to this offence, what is an ‘Emergency Worker’ and what penalties can be imposed.

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