Burton Copeland Sign up for the 2019 Manchester Legal Walk

The Best Outcome Starts Here


Burton Copeland Sign up for the 2019 Manchester Legal Walk

The annual event takes place on Thursday 28th September 2019 when it is hoped that hundreds of walkers from the legal sector, take to the streets of the city centre of Manchester and walk 10k in order to raise funds for the North West Legal Support Trust (NWLST).

The annual event takes place on Thursday 28th September 2017 when it is hoped that hundreds of walkers from the legal sector, take to the streets of the city centre of Manchester and walk 10k in order to raise funds for the North West Legal Support Trust (NWLST).

In these times of cuts to legal aid, the charity does a massive amount of work supporting those who would not be eligible for free legal assistance. The charity support organisations who:

  • Prevent families being made homeless
  • Prevent destitution
  • Help older people gain the support to which they are entitled
  • Help women and children who have been trafficked for domestic servitude or prostitution.

So far signed up we have:

As well as a number of support staff.

Can anyone take part in the Manchester Legal Walk?

Yes – anybody can take part. If you want to organise your own team you can do so by registering here (registration is now closed) or if you would like to join the Burton Copeland team please email us.

Are there any other events or walks in other areas?

Yes – there are a whole hosts of events and walk up and down the country to see a full list see the NWLST events page

How else can I help?

If you would like to donate, you can do so here, all donations are very much appreciated and will contribute to changing the life of somebody who is greatly in need. (This event happened in 2019 and we’re no longer taking donations)

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