As some of you may or may not be aware, Erin, Nick & I are all taking part (perhaps rather stupidly) in the Tough Mudder Challenge North West which is due to take place on 5th October 2013 at Cholmondeley Estate and we are seeking your support and sponsorship.
Tough Mudder® is a hardcore 10-12 mile course with up to 25 obstacles designed by Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, determination, and camaraderie. Only 78% of entrants successfully complete each challenge. The obstacles include things like the Arctic Enema®, where you must bravely jump into Big Mudder’s floating iceberg abyss. Once submerged, find the mental and physical strength to swim through the ice, under a wooden plank and pull yourself out on the other end before you become hypothermic. Then next, the Mud Mile®, where you must slosh through up to a mile of waist-deep sludge as you try not to lose your shoes in the mud. This is then followed by even more ridiculous obstacles before we end with Electroshock Therapy®. This is a sprint through a field of live wires, some carrying as much as 10,000 volts of electric shock, we are guaranteed to get zapped and it does NOT tickle.
Check out last year’s video for what we are letting ourselves in for
So why on earth are we putting ourselves through such hell I hear you ask, well to raise money for two very worthy Manchester based causes, Forever Manchester and Francis House.
Forever Manchester is the Community Foundation for Greater Manchester. They raise and distribute money to support local people and groups trying to make a positive change in our neighbourhoods across Greater Manchester. Without funding these groups and projects would struggle to get off the ground or simply cease to exist. For more information on Forever Manchester check out their website
The Philosophy of Francis House flows from the belief in the sanctity of life and the dignity of the person. Francis House and Francis Lodge exist to provide appropriate care for children and young people with life threatening conditions and the necessary support and short-term rest for their families. For more information about Francis House check out their website
So any contribution no matter how large or small would be gratefully received.
To sponsor us please use either of our Just Giving pages or Thank you Kim, Erin & Nick