Photographed above after completing the forward leg Rob said: “I’m just hoping the weather stays fine for the trip home”.
Other members of staff have been inspired by Rob and are planning to get their bikes out of the shed later this week.
Bike Week is an annual opportunity to promote cycling, and show how cycling can easily be part of everyday life by encouraging ‘everyday cycling for everyone’. Demonstrating the social, health and environmental benefits of cycling, the week aims to get people to give cycling a go all over the UK, whether just for fun, as a means of getting around to work or school, the local shops or just to visit friends. The 2016 event will take place 11-19th June but events still take place through September and beyond!
The aim of this year’s Bike Week has a special focus in encouraging people to use their bikes to cycle to work and it seems to have worked in our office.
Read more about bike week and how you can get involved here