We all hate waiting for mail. If you’ve ordered something online or are waiting on an official document it can be frustrating opening the postbox everyday to see nothing there. The postal service in the UK is normally on time but the pandemic put an unprecedented strain on the Royal Mail.
This had led to longer arrival times for post with people waiting weeks to receive mail that would normally take a day or two to arrive. Whilst this might be annoying if you’re waiting for your latest ASOS order it can help your defence if you’ve been charged with a road traffic offence.
Receiving a court summons in good time is essential if you are to charge road traffic offence defendants. People accused of a road traffic crime must be given enough time and warning to understand the charges against them. Delays in the postal service have meant the system has broken down and defendants aren’t been given enough time to respond to charges against them. If you can prove this is the case with you, you can successfully defend yourself against a charge.
Our expert traffic solicitors dive into the ins and outs of The Interpretation Act, Notice of Intended Prosecution and the Road Traffic Offence Act 1988 in our latest blog on the Driving Offence website.
The blog’s main focus is on understanding the Notice of Intended Prosecution, what it means for defendants and how it can impact their case. You can read the whole article here.
Burton Copeland is a professional criminal defence solicitors based in Manchester. We are the UK’s leading criminal defence lawyers and are experts in regulatory, fraud and serious crime law along with to conspiracy to commit crime cases. Road traffic offence defendants finding themselves being charged can call us to help them fight their case.