Piracy & Copyright Solicitors
Piracy involves the illegal downloading, duplication, distribution and sale of copyrighted material, such as software, films and music. As the internet has become more regulated, there has been an increase in the amount of people accused of piracy, and investigations can be difficult to cope with, as they can be incredibly complex.
Allegations of copyrighting include the copying, adapting, distributing, renting or lending of another person’s intellectual property for financial benefit. An infringement can result in a prison sentence and an unlimited fine.
Our piracy defence lawyers & copyright defence lawyers have the expertise to help those facing an investigation from the authorities. If you’ve been accused of this crime, you’ll need legal support throughout proceedings from experts you can trust. Contact Burton Copeland today by calling 0161 827 9500, or by filling in our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Types of piracy
There are many different forms of piracy, and you can be faced with allegations over whether you’ve downloaded or distributed content illegally. This includes:
- Softlifting – Borrowing and installing software
- Overuse – Installing more copies of software than your licence allows
- Hard-disk loading – Installing and selling computers featuring unauthorised software
- Counterfeiting – Duplicating and selling copyrighted programs
- Online piracy – Downloading material from peer-to-peer networks, internet auctions or blogs
If allegations are made against you, this can result in the confiscation of your computer or any other electrical item by authorities.
Types of copyright infringement
There are various forms of work that are protected by copyright laws, and an infringement on any of the following can result in prosecution:
- Literary works
- Art
- Music
- Films and broadcasts
- Websites
- Computer programmes and software
Copyright exceptions
In some cases, there may be circumstances that prove you have not violated another person’s copyrighted work that the accuser may not be aware of, which is why it is vital you seek legal advice as soon as an accusation has been made. Circumstances include:
- Fair dealing – which is using copyrighted work not for financial gain but for the purpose of criticism, review, research in private study, or to report new or current events
- Educational – which is when work is used for instruction or examination. However, the creator must be given sufficient acknowledgement and it must not be used commercially
- Archival – non-profit libraries can supply copies of work to people who need it for private study
- Private use – it is not against the law to copy material (e.g. a CD) for your own use. However, it is unlawful to duplicate work for another person
How Burton Copeland can help
Finding Lawyers with the experience in this is difficult. Burton Copeland have a team on hand with the expert knowledge to guide, assist and defend you at any stage. You do not need to face allegations of this type alone, we will work tirelessly to provide the best possible defence helping to ensure that your interests are protected. We have vast experience and can support you in prosecutions be the following authorities and agencies:
- CPS (Crown Prosecution Service)
- Trading Standards & Local Authorities
- FACT (Federation of Copyright Theft)
- FSA [Financial Services Authority]
- SOCA [Serious Organised Crime Agency]
- Office of Fair Trading
Our solicitors have helped many people accused of piracy & copyright offences, and can step in and provide legal advice at any stage, including initial arrest, at the police station, during an investigation or in court. We will work hard to provide the best possible defence for your case, taking a look at all the evidence and keeping your interests protected.
We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you can rest assured that you’ll get support as and when you need it. Also, if circumstances permit, legal aid could be issued to help with fees.
Contact us today
If you’re facing allegations of piracy, you should get in touch with our expert solicitors today who will do everything they can to defend you. You can contact us by calling 0161 827 9500 during office hours, or 0161 832 7834at any other time. Alternatively, fill in our online form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.